Spinal Decompression For Back Pain: What You Need To Know
There are many things a chiropractor can do to help you with severe lower back pain. Among the most effective forms of treatment is spinal decompression. It is a relatively new form of therapy that is non-invasive, which means that no form of surgery has to be performed in order to see results from spinal decompression therapy. It is highly recommended you discuss the matter with your chiropractor to see if spinal decompression is a treatment that will work well for whatever particular ailment you happen to be suffering from.…
Read More »2 Mistakes To Avoid When Wearing Clear Aligner Braces
If you have unsightly and misaligned teeth, then you may want to think about straightening methods so the teeth look more appealing. Braces are commonly used to force the teeth into a better position, and so are clear aligners. Aligners are ideal for adults and for mature teenagers who are able to responsibly care for their tooth straightening devices. If you want clear aligners, then you should know that they need to be both used and cared for properly.…
Read More »Pooling Blood In Eye -- Should You Panic?
It’s an alarming experience to glance in the mirror and see that one of your eyes is bright-red with blood. It’s likely you’ve seen this condition on another person at some point in your life, but you’re not exactly sure what it is, and you don’t know if it’s serious or not. If you’ve just noticed a pool of blood in your eye, read on to learn when it’s necessary to visit a doctor or a place like the Advanced Retinal Institute Inc.…
Read More »Preserving The Benefits of Surgical Facelifts: Anti-Aging Habits To Keep You Looking Younger Longer
Facelifts are among the most common of cosmetic surgeries– they help patients look younger and help to restore skin to its natural place on the face. However, even after a facelift, patients can still see the effects of aging on the face. While the “fountain of youth” is a myth, keeping your skin looking younger longer after a facelift is not. There are several things you can do to make sure that you get the most out of your cosmetic procedure, reaping its youthful rewards for several years after the surgery is past.…
Read More »Intimacy After Injury: 3 Things You Should About Sex And Spinal Cord Injuries
Has your partner recently sustained a spinal cord injury? Are you wondering if you’ll still be able to be intimate together, and what life in the bedroom will be like if you can? If so, read on for 3 important things you should know moving forward in your relationship with somebody with a spinal cord injury. Studies Show No Correlation Between Sexual Ability After SCI And Satisfaction Level Of Sex Life…
Read More »Women's Health: Tests And Checkups You Should Be Having
If you are like many women, you may hesitate to go the doctor. First, there’s the “I don’t wanna” factor; few people enjoy hopping up on the paper-covered exam table or, worse, getting weighed. Second, there’s the issue of cost: While the Affordable Care Act has made health care more affordable for many, most patients still have copays or deductibles to meet when having medical procedures and tests done. Still, in order to remain healthy, it’s important to see your doctor regularly.…
Read More »Nightmare Disorder: When Frequent Bad Dreams Have Significant Negative Effects On Sleep
For a person who has an occasional bad dream, the idea that frequent nightmares can be considered a sleep disorder may seem extreme. However, if you often must deal with vivid, terrifying dreams that make you anxious about going to sleep, that problem is indeed defined as a sleep disorder. Fortunately, you can take steps to determine what’s causing this problem and resolve it, and sleep easier once again. About Adult Nightmares…
Read More »Is Surgery A Good Option For Fixing A Snoring Problem?
Snoring is a condition that causes a lot of people personal and social grief. According to some statistics, about 30 percent of people over the age of 30 snore, and the condition affects more men than women. While there are a variety of ways to treat the problem, many people wonder if surgery is a good option for fixing the issue. The answer is, it depends on the root cause of the condition.…
Read More »5 Questions To Ask About Safety Features When Selecting A Stair Lift For Your Home
As you have gotten older, you may have started having problems climbing the stairs in your home. Because of this, you may decide you would like to have a stair lift installed but are concerned about its safety. If so, use the following list of questions to ask about the lift’s safety features. Is A Key Required To Start The Lift? If you have small grandchildren, you may worry about them operating the lift and getting hurt.…
Read More »3 New Ways Ultrasound Technology Is Making People Healthier
Ultrasound technology isn’t anything new – doctors have been using it to examine babies in utero and treat soft tissue injuries for years now. However, new technology is enabling medical professionals to use ultrasounds in new and exciting ways. Thanks to advances in the way that ultrasounds are used, patients may soon get better emergency care treatment, their bones may heal faster after a break, and their doctors may be able to get a better look inside their heads without resorting to invasive surgery.…
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