Five Factors To Consider When Choosing Chiropractic Electronic Health Records Software
If you own a chiropractic business, choosing a good Electronic Health Records software program can help you run your practice efficiently. The EHR software package keeps a computerized record of your patients' medical history and accounting records, but how do you choose the best program? You need to consider the size of your practice, functions you require and computer requirements, too. A user-friendly interface will help your staff access the records effortlessly.
Most EHR programs include tools that can be utilized by physicians and patients alike. Whether you are looking for EHR software for the very first time, or you are needing to replace an old program, the following considerations should be taken into account before you make your selection:
1. What is the Size of Your Practice?
If you have a solo or independent practice, your chiropractic EHR software may not require many options. An organization that employees 20 physicians may need a more detailed EHR program than a practice of 2-3 physicians. Therefore, when you search for your software program, narrow the selection by choosing one designed to match the size of your organization.
Some programs are completely customizable and flexible to meet your needs. If your chiropractic practice should develop and expand, you need a software program that grows with you. If you should add a partner to your chiropractic team in the future, will the program allow an extra user?
2. What Functions Do You Require From Electronics Health Records?
What will you be using your EHR software for? Chiropractors use EHR software for various applications, including:
Files of patients' medical records: This enables the staff to access patient information, including medical issues and treatment.
Doctor appointment scheduling: A very accessible way to enter appointment times and cancellations.
Patient billing
X-ray and digital imaging information and photos
Financial records
Claims and collections management
3. Does the Software Feature a User-Friendly Interface?
Even the most advanced software program won't be practical if the interface is too complicated and time-consuming to use. Ease-of-use can increase productivity, saving time and money. Software that includes creative templates can simplify matters and improve the quality of patient care.
You may utilize templates designed for various conditions, such as sports injuries, workers' compensation, auto accident injuries, repetitive motion injuries and tendonitis. This way, information pertaining to each medical condition is organized in its own separate area.
4. What Are the Computer Requirements, and is the Software Compliant with Your Network?
You must be sure your computer system meets the requirements of the program, but there's more to consider. If you plan on integrating with a network, be sure the program allows that option.
Also, consider a program that backs up your information on a cloud-based server. Cloud servers are secure internet databases that keep all your records safe and accessible. If your computer or network should crash and become inoperable, you won't lose your vital records. You'll need a password to access the records from the cloud, and you can access it from any mobile device such as a tablet.
5. Does the EHR Software Provide Customer Service and Support?
Your EHR software should offer 24/7 customer support, because if the software fails or crashes, you need to be able to get up and running pronto. Telephone support or live chat is preferable to email support which could take a day or two for a response. If on-site technical assistance is needed, consider this option as well.
A Final Consideration
When choosing your EHR system, you might want to ensure you'll receive future upgrades. An outdated program may be more susceptible to issues, including glitches or viruses. Your EHR software should include the option of manual or automatic updating.