Three Things You Need To Know About Laser Surgery For Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a condition that occurs as a result of internal pressure on the optic nerve. If you have recently been diagnosed with this condition, you are probably feeling apprehensive and perhaps a bit helpless. There is no cure for glaucoma, and the vision loss experienced as a result of developing it cannot be restored a this point. However, early detection and effective treatment can help guard against serious vision loss on the part of those who develop this condition, and medical advances continue to offer an increasing range of effective treatment options, and some research suggests that a cure for glaucoma may not be too far in the future.
However, until the time comes when medical science provides a cure for this condition, glaucoma is often treated with laser surgery. Although these procedures won't cure it or restore vision, they help keep the internal pressure in the eye area at manageable levels. Laser surgery is generally prescribed for those who aren't responding well to traditional oral medications designed to keep swelling from affecting the optic nerve. Here's what you need to know about laser surgery for glaucoma.
How it Works
Several different types of laser surgery are currently used in the treatment of glaucoma. Each treatment is designed to lessen the internal pressure on the optic nerve. Your eye doctor can tell you whether laser surgery may help in your particular case and explore different types to find the procedure that best suits your individual needs. However, each type of laser surgery works in the same way -- they use a powerful laser to create holes in the affected area behind the optic nerve so that eye fluids drain more easily, thus relieving the internal pressure.
What You'll Experience
Most patients feel a slight bit of stinging or discomfort during laser surgery. However, these will be minimal because you will be given drops that numb your eye area prior to the surgery. The surgery does not require hospitalization but is instead performed in your eye doctor's office. You'll be able to leave shortly after it's finished, although you'll need to get a friend or family member to drive you home afterward because your vision may be temporarily blurred.
What It Will Do For You
Laser surgery isn't meant to be a standalone treatment -- it works in tandem with other treatments provided by your eye doctor as a part of your glaucoma treatment plan. You may still have to take medication after having laser surgery, but probably not nearly as much as before.
For more information, contact a business like Coastal Eye Care.