Commercial Drivers Must Obtain Medical Cards That Bear FMCSA-Approved Examining Doctor's Signature
People in America know that they should not drive their vehicles without proper licensing. That's a law that you cannot take lightly. However, commercial drivers, by the very nature of their jobs, must also be in possession of a DOT medical card, which certifies that they are capable of performing their long haul jobs without any troubling medical condition. Troubling medical conditions can affect your driving ability and create deadly accidents on the roads all over the country. The rule is not designed to rob you of your livelihood, but to make sure you follow the rules and take your medications as instructed so you can stay healthy. Your physician's signature must be on that medical card.
Obtaining The Medical Card
A new government medical card rule came into being in April 2016, and you should bear that rule in mind when you are seeking your commercial driving license. The medical rule requires that your examiner must be a medical doctor or other professional who is registered and approved by FMCSA. Your examiner's name must also be on the registry that governs this rule. You can find the examination form that you must fill out online, and it is a national registry form.
Why You Must Qualify For The Medical Card
Do not think of this rule as bureaucratic nonsense. Your valid commercial medical card assures that you are capable of always performing your duties carefully. Remember that the card supports the fact that you are in good health, which keeps you and the public safe.
Reveal Your Medical Condition
There are some medical conditions that you should pay particular attention to, and you should receive treatment for them before you apply for a commercial drivers license and the associated medical card. Don't try to hide your condition by not asking for treatment. That's a dangerous decision to make because you place your life and the life of other innocent drivers and pedestrians at risk as well.
Sleep Apnea And Other Medical Conditions
You'll still be able to work as a commercial driver if you suffer from sleep apnea. You must, however, obtain treatment with the use of a CPAP machine or other new technology that your doctor orders for you. Follow all the instructions you are given for usage. If you're a diabetic, you must maintain a healthy A1C blood sugar measurement when tested. You also must be treated for cardiac or blood pressure issues. Your physician will give you advice about exercise and nutrition as well as drug treatment prescriptions. There are other conditions that you must be treated for such as your vision, hearing or lung deficits.