Stock These Health-Focused Items If Your Convenience Store Is Near A Sporting Venue
When you run a convenience store, you face the challenging task of not only keeping your shelves full but also stocking the items that those who enter your location may look for. If you're located near a sporting venue, there are many different things that you'll want to stock for fans. For example, if tailgating is a big deal in the community, having drinks, snacks, and ice in your store will keep you busy. You should also give some thought to what health-focused items you should stock. These things, too, may make you a must-stop store for fans before and after games. Here are some suggestions.
With skin cancer being a concern for many people, you'll definitely want to provide a few types of sunscreen for the sports fans who frequent your convenience store. Exposure to the sun, especially in big doses, can dramatically increase a person's risk of skin cancer — and sitting outside in a stadium for hours at a time can frequently leave fans nursing concerning sunburns. Offer different SPF values of sunscreen and include rub-on and spray-on varieties.
Headache Medication
Every convenience store should have some basic types of medication for its customers to buy, and this is especially important if you're close to a sporting venue. Focus specifically on headache medication, which is available in pill and capsule formats from several leading pharmaceutical manufacturers. Sports fans reach for headache medication after games for a number of reasons. Those who have had too much to drink, have had too much exposure to the sun, and even those who are sensitive to loud noises for an extended period of time may all need headache medication to feel better on their way home.
Protein Bars
Some sports fans are resistant to buying stadium food, given that it's generally overpriced, and there are few healthy options. If you make sure to stock some healthy treats, such as protein bars, you may find that fans get in the habit of visiting your convenience store to load up on a few of these items to carry into the game with them. There are many different types of protein bars on the market, so you can offer a selection of products. You may wish to avoid those that have a hefty concentration of chocolate, however, as these can melt in the heat and leave the sports fan facing a mess when he or she is ready to eat the bar.
Stocking these items can help make any sports fan's day, so stock up on these items from a product supplier like Instant Inventory Service.